The root cause of unnatural human sufferings is corruption, globally fostered by the Power of "The State", all around the world. Media is one of the most powerful "Tools" to keep any "Misdeed" under wrap. They are reciprocated with the freedom to earn unscrupulous money.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

It is an established fact that the evolution of the science of Yoga had originated in the prehistoric times in India, the ancient name of which was Jambudweep and, also, Bharatvarsha. For thousands of years, many Sages spread the teachings of Yoga, in order to maintain the functions of the Nature, in accordance with the experiential Truth.
Alas! The Sages, who would have propagated the teachings of Yoga, like those of the ancient times, are not visible anymore. Besides, the ruinous effects of the present socio-economic compulsions has vitiated the fundamentals of Yoga. Many genuine teachers of Yoga have fallen victims to such socio-economic compulsions. Swamy Ramdev of India, is one such victim.
Modern socio-economic compulsions have converted the teachings of Yoga into pure commercial business, which, in turn, has vitiated the fundamentals of Yoga. Nevertheless, there are many unknown teachers of Yoga, in India, who have, still, not fallen victims to the present Global socio-economic compulsions. Yogiraj Shashi Bhushan Verma of Bokaro Steel City, is one such personality. He has identified, to some extent, the vitiated form of Yoga, in an Article which is published here.
The Article is in Devanagari script, which can be translated into various languages by the concerned researchers, for the welfare of the whole world. That may help the world to find out some solution to end Global corruption, terrorism, AIDS, Global pollution, unnatural world order, Global politics defying the Law of Nature, criminal invasions, etc.