The root cause of unnatural human sufferings is corruption, globally fostered by the Power of "The State", all around the world. Media is one of the most powerful "Tools" to keep any "Misdeed" under wrap. They are reciprocated with the freedom to earn unscrupulous money.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

So the clandestine corrupt forces proved to be overwhelming enough to have a corrupt candidate elected as the President of the Republic of India!
The clandestine “Sharks” of international politics would, always, exploit this farce to the fullest of their advantage, at every opportune time.
However, the “123 Nuclear Agreement” reached at by the Governments of India and the USA has detonated adverse chain-reaction! Indeed, God’s Law does not let the corrupt forces anticipate the adverse reactions of corruption, all around the world!
Keep “clicking” on the Ads. on this page and other Web pages accessible through this page, to keep me reporting my anticipations about the important “targets” of the adverse chain-reaction. Bushism and the Mussolini’s legacies included.

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